Saturday, October 17, 2009


Had the best time last weekend participating in my 2nd Ragnar Relay. This one was in vegas and my team, Sweatin' with the Divas, rocked! Can't even begin to put into words how amazing the whole weekend was. We pushed ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally and we had each other supporting and encouraging the whole way. We danced in the desert with new friends, ran, ran, and ran some more, shouted, screamed, tried to sleep a little over the 2 days...exhausting but AMAZING! My friend and fellow diva Ali puts it best on her blog and she has some PHENOMENAL photos as does my girl Marsha. Here are links to their blogs... and

Amanda and I on our way to Vegas!

Part of our sweet van decor, i'm getting ready to run my first leg...

Todd and Heather making their first exchange....and she's off..what a tough chika she is!

So much respect for all the divas and Todd! Would run it again in a heartbeat with all of you if we could!

dragonflies and lizards

The kids found a dragonfly in the pool and Ethan rescued it, he was so proud. Its wings were damaged so it was letting the kids "hold" it. They loved being that close to such a cool insect. I thought it was really neat too, until my friend told me that they can bite you, and it hurts....thankful we had no such incidents..just enjoyed a magnificent insect up close.

A few days later, Ethan caught a lizard and decided he was going to keep it for a pet. He made a habitat for it in an ice chest, caught flies to feed it, was really taking care of it. After a couple days, and some encouragement from his brothers, he decided letting it(he gave the lizard a name, but I can't remember right now)be free was the best choice. It was a hard choice for him but alteast we took some pics to remember it by!
