I can't believe my first baby is now 8! What a great day it was to have him baptized. A lot of family was able to make the trek and be a part of the special day. Thank you for all your support!
Weston was very excited and is a great kid!

3 cheers for Scouting!! The other great thing about being 8 is cub scouts! It has made my week a little busier, but so fun! All Weston wants to know is when will they teach him to shoot a bow and arrow!

Hi Aubry,
I can't believe you have an 8 year old either. I just wanted you to know that i think your family is gorgeous. it is so fun peeking into your life. sure seems like you are happy and doing well. have a merry christmas
carrie pabst
Hey Aubry! Cute blog. Weston reminds me a lot of April. Congrats to him on his baptism! Your family is so adorable :)
Love Joanie :)
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