The Tenney house is currently in Lock Down. Quarantined from the outside world. All four kids have the CHICKEN POX!! So if anyone wants to just get it out of the way.. feel free to come visit us! :)
On the flip side, you might see a lot more blogging from me during this time. Nowhere to go, nothing to rush off too. It's actually kind of nice.
Luckily, so far, the kids are doing fine. Weston and Mylie have it full blown right now,(see their pics) and Ethan and Aiden are just starting to get a few dots. We'll see how they are in the morning. Other than it being a little annoying, it's kind of like a vacation. They can't go anywhere, they don't feel all that bad and video games keeps their mind off the itching.
Not that we want to do it again, but I'll take this over the flu anyday!
Anyway, keep us in your prayers, mainly me, for my sanity!!! :) j/k
On the flip side, you might see a lot more blogging from me during this time. Nowhere to go, nothing to rush off too. It's actually kind of nice.
Luckily, so far, the kids are doing fine. Weston and Mylie have it full blown right now,(see their pics) and Ethan and Aiden are just starting to get a few dots. We'll see how they are in the morning. Other than it being a little annoying, it's kind of like a vacation. They can't go anywhere, they don't feel all that bad and video games keeps their mind off the itching.
Not that we want to do it again, but I'll take this over the flu anyday!
Anyway, keep us in your prayers, mainly me, for my sanity!!! :) j/k
This other one is Weston's back. Sorry for grossing you all out!!
Oh so sad,& here I am feeling so sorry for myself with thrush. I hope you guys get over it soon.
Awwww!! No chicken pox vaccine?
Thanks for the comment! I think I told Cathi I blog stalk you and her, but YOU never write! LOL.
Take care of those precious babies!! I am about to pop myself, and be thrown back into the trenches of baby throw up! I CAN'T WAIT!!
You might as well get all four out of the way at once, right?? I will pray for you, super-mom, to come out of this alive!
Oh heavens Aubry! All four kids! At least you are getting it over with all at once. Thanks so much for the darling shower gift. What a fun store-wish you could have made it. I still have not met Mylie! Hope all is well-Tami
That totally sucks! But I envy you that you're getting it out of the way all at once! I'm tempted to send my kids over. Happy you're blogging though!
I am so glad I found your blog!!! Your kids are just the cutest and little Mylie is a doll! Sorry to hear all the kids are sick with chicken pox! I so know what you are going through right now! Dave, Dylan, and Emma are all sick but somehow I have managed to not get it! It is probably due to the fact that I have been popping airborn like crazy! Well take care and I hope everyone feels better soon!
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